Is Comfort Zone Down for the Count?

Toronto party-goers buzzed last weekend with news that the city's longest standing after-hours, Comfort Zone, had been raided by 200 police who'd made 33 arrests, mostly involving illegal narcotics - $30,000 worth. People unlucky enough to be inside the club last weekend were quickly thrown on the ground and handcuffed with plastic teathers. Some admitted (on blogTO) that officers would step on the backs of their necks if they were caught squirming to get comfortable. It seemed like a brutal situation. Police, who called the operation white rabbit, were implored to take action after the recent death of a young man who'd been partying at the Comfort Zone, made his way home to Hamilton, and was found dead from a drug overdose.
The club certainly has its detractors and I haven't been in many years. Back when I was 18 and 19 the after-hours was called Buzz and I was happy to go dance the night away while ignoring all the sketchy people around me. I have a little sister now close to that age, and she could've easily been looking for a place to party with friends when police busted the joint. Out of towners and first timers who were there last weekend certainly learned their lesson.
The big questions was, is CZ going to remain open? It's been a part of the Toronto scene for over 10 years now, with relatively little trouble, except for a sullied reputation. It appears Comfort Zone did open back up, and police were back this morning arresting two kids for peddling drugs. That's some big cahones those boys have.
Will this second series of take-downs be enough for CZ to consider an exit from clubland, or will the spate of arrests convince
the club-owner to emerge from the dark-side to find a new crowd of squeeky-clean clubkids?
Photo from: PatrickKErby