Get Jacked at Wakestock this Weekend

Island residents be warned, Wakestock is back bigger and badder than ever. The event is celebrating ten adrenalin filled years and promises to be a huge blow out, mixing punk and hip hop culture under a banner of edgy board sport (and bikini) competitions.
There'll be no shortage of eye-candy - you can check out motocross, skateboard, wakeskate and of course wakeboard events. Last year I wasn't sure what to expect, I thought I'd be stuck in the stands miles from nowhere hoping for a glance of the action. Instead I was knee deep in warm water leaning on a rail while riders landed sick tricks right in front of my face. You've got to be able to appreciate what these kids can do.
Just as hype as the sport side is what's happening on stage all weekend. Wakestock seems to be pushing the Grammy angle, bringing big names to perform music at this summer's show. I'll be getting jacked on beats by De La Soul, Lupe Fiasco and Del The Funky Homosapien while taking a schoolin from punk pros Goldfinger and The Deftones.
With such a wicked mix of events on the island it's really as good as it gets for those of us in TO who love beach life. You can wander the island, watch the waves and get some sweet inspiration from athletes who've trucked in from all over the world just to show you what they do best. If that doesn't get you jacked maybe a dunk in the lake will do it for you.
Wakestock starts today, runs until Sunday. Ticket prices vary. Catch the ferry to Centre Island.
(photo Wakestock 01 by hotmshr)
Labels: bikini, de la soul, deftones, festival, islands, music, sport, Toronto, wakeboarding, wakestock, water
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